Promila Verma
King George Medical University
Title: Access cavity: Pathway to success of endodontic treatment
Biography: Promila Verma
The success of endodontic treatment depends on three factors –biomechanical preparation, disinfection and three dimensional obturation of root canal. All these factors are important but access cavity preparation is an important step of root canal treatment as all other factors precedes this step. A well designed access preparation is essential for good endodontic result. Inadequate access may lead to intricacy of negotiating the root canal, missed canals and difficulty in subsequent steps of biomechanical preparation, disinfection, obturation and ultimately leading to failure of the treatment. Knowledge of pulp chamber morphology, along with an examination of preoperative radiographs, should be incorporated while designing the access cavity. A properly prepared access cavity creates a smooth, straight line path to the canal system and ultimately to the apex or canal curvature. Due to advancement like surgical microscope which aid for better vision, ultrasonic instruments design and new improved clinical techniques helps the clinician to perform this step more efficiently. This paper highlights the common features in root canal anatomy and outlines basic principles for locating root canals and producing a good access cavity. It will also describe the recent armamentarium for gaining the access to root canal. In this modern era of instrument driven endodontic it is imperative that one should understands that the efficacy of cleaning and shaping is effective only if an adequate access opening is done and all root canal opening are visible. The precise and proper execution of this step make the path more easier for the clinician to reach the destination.