Oswaldo Villa Campos
University National Autonomus of Mexico, Mexico
Title: Morse taper implants and platform switching, the new paradigm in oral implantology
Biography: Oswaldo Villa Campos
Dental implants have achieved long-term success due to the osseointegration of highly biocompatible titanium integrating
to the surrounding bone. Following the establishment of osseointegration, the implant system depends on the mechanical
and chemical stability of the contacting metal joints, which must sustain proper torque originated from the friction between
contacting surfaces. Through the development of novel techniques on surface treatment, as well as enhanced implant design,
modern implants have improved the prognosis of the long-term osseointegration and performance of dental implants.
Considering the novelty in technology on dental implant joints, Jokstad et al. noted the development of internal connections
showing improved results regarding esthetic outcomes and mechanical stability. Currently, common examples of internal
implant-abutment connection designs are the internal hexagonal and the Morse taper connection. A unique design feature of
the Morse taper implant abutment connection is an internal joint design between two conical structures. This connection was
developed by Stephen A. Morse, in 1864, and since has been globally used to connect drilling machines to a removable rotating
drill piece. In implant dentistry, a conical “male” abutment is tightened into a “female” conical implant design. This internally
tapered design creates significant friction via the high propensity of parallelism between the two structures within the joint
space. The Morse taper angle is determined according to the mechanical properties of each material. For instance, titaniumbased
structures have an ideal relationship between contacting surface angles and coefficient of friction.