Biography: Michael J Pontack
There exists tremendous opportunity for instructional application of the specialty field of dental removable prosthodontics. There is currently no technical institutional instruction for dentures and partial dentures in the State of Michigan. I believe the technical school setting is an ideal situation to expose candidates to the field of dental technology. While fixed prosthodontics such as crowns and bridges are being produced more and more by cad cam milling, dentures and partial dentures are still being made primarily by hand in most laboratories and intimate clinical settings. The very best appliances are custom arranged for the patient???s age, gender and personality and colored to match the patient???s oral tissues. The artistic ability and technical knowledge to enter the field can be discovered and taught at the introductory level and continued in laboratory practicum to bring motivated candidates to a level that will allow them to enter the field at dental laboratories and dental offices. Over the last 20 years, formal accredited dental laboratory technology programs have been reduced to 15 compared to 53 in 1976. Additionally, the aging of the talent pool is leading to a severe shortage of qualified technicians. It is my firm belief that I can develop and lead a successful program to bring young people into a very rewarding and challenging field whereby they will develop the skills to comfortably raise a family and possibly even grow their own laboratory in the future. The National Association of Dental Laboratories has foundation grants to assist DLT program development and the State of Michigan may have programs that will also assist us in startup. The American Denturist School offers all levels of instruction for removable prosthetics and is certified and accredited to instruct online distance learning. I am looking forward to assisting you and your technical institution in developing the Removable Dental Technology Program.