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Mohammad Athar

Mohammad Athar

Assistant Professor
Department of Forensic Science Institute for Excellence in Higher Education(IEHE), Bhopal


• A Qualified professional academic faculty and enthusiast in research in the field of Forensic Science, Medico-legal Investigation, Forensic Biochemistry, Biomarkers studies, Food Toxicology, Forensic Toxicology & separation Techniques and has a passion to educate and research. I would love the opportunity to take up any challenging role and bring the best for the growth of a growing organization. My educational background, experience and skills set can be fully utilized in order to benefits any academic and research organization • PhD ( Biochemistry) Perusing, UGC-NET Qualified. • R & D Advisory Dept. Of Physiology, Aligarh University and New Life Homeopathy Pharmaceutical Company, Bhopal • Elected Editorial Board member journal of antimicrobial agents ISSN:2472-1212 • Elected peer reviewer member of Arab Journal of Forensic Science & Forensic Medicine ( AJFSFM ) • Elected reviewer board member Edelweiss Journal of Food Science and Technology • Winner of Global Teacher award 2021organized by AKS worldwide Private Limited Delhi. • Elected as organizing committee member of 2nd World congress on Immunology 2022 scheduled on January 10 11,2022 at Dubai,UAE • Elected as organl1ing committee member of ll' h International conference on Forensic Chemistry & Biochemistry webinar July 26& 27 2021 • Elected as organizing committee member of 2"" Global webinar on Forensic Science July 23to25 2021 • Certificate of Excellence in reviewing original manuscript European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety • Certificate of Excellence in reviewing original manuscript Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International

Research Interest

• Two years research experience as Junior research fellow(JRF) under MPCST funded project on non­ permitted yellow color (metanilyellow) and other by direct injection of Micellar liquid chromatography at Department of Criminology & Forensic science,Dr.Hari Singh Gour Central university Sagar, M.P • Research experience oriented vision got a new start after attaining two year research experience In the prestigious institute Department of Criminology & Forensic science,Dr.Harl Singh Gour Central university Sagar,M.P on HPLC modified to MLC, HPTLC,GC,FTIR & other Important in analytical techniques