Call for Abstract

39th Asia Pacific Dental and Oral Health Congress, will be organized around the theme “Novel Advancements in Dental and Oral Care”

dental congress 2021 is comprised of 12 tracks and 46 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in dental congress 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Advanced Dental Education is the backbone of dental research that has extensive applications in all the specialties of the clinical dentistry.  Advancements in dental education involves the Digital Dentistry, CAD/CAM, X-Rays.Thinner Veneers - A veneer is a thin molding that covers the front part of a tooth. They are used to hide crooked, deeply stained, or other flawed teeth.Use of Lasers - Lasers are one of the most versatile tools around. Dentists are increasingly using lasers to help detect and remove cavities.Oral Plastic Surgery - Better Bonding Material for Implants and Crowns Bonding materials are used in a variety of general dentistry treatments. Recent technological advances have made these materials stronger and more durable than in the past. The material used now is much stronger than materials previously used.TeledentistryTeledentistry is a relatively new field that combines telecommunication technology and dental care. Teledentistry in education involves the interactive videoconferencing method has had better results because of its ability to provide immediate feedback. Teledentistry provides an opportunity to supplement traditional teaching methods in dental education and will provide new opportunities for dental students and dentists.

  • Track 1-1Pediatric Dentistry
  • Track 1-2dental implants
  • Track 1-3Anesthesia
  • Track 1-4Orthodontics and Dental facial Orthopedics
  • Track 1-5 Periodontics

Dental products can be classified into various subcategories like diagnostics, drugs and pharmaceuticals, equipment and materials, whitening products, etc. Over the counter products include toothpaste, powered toothbrushes, manual toothbrushes, mouthwashes. The quality of treatment depends on the quality of product used for the treatment. Marketing is key to success for any business, and dentistry is not exception to that. Because of the boom in information technology, general dental patients are more aware of the options available to them; this makes marketing a challenge for both manufacturing companies and dentists for their respective products and services. Some platforms and methods used by manufacturing companies and dentists for marketing include: Website, search engine optimization, online reputation management and branding.In recent years, research in science and modern dentistry has been driven by developments in dental biomaterials science. A biomaterial is any substance or drug that has been designed to interact with a biological system for a therapeutic or medical cause. With the development of any new biocompatible materials, it can be used for the improvement of the presently existing materials characteristics that can in turn broaden the applications of biomaterials in dentistry field. The most commonly used biomaterials including dentin bonding, luting agent, glass ionomers and ceramics require a better understanding in multidisciplinary approach, for the development of new desi oral hard tissues regeneration. The Dental Biomaterials are targeted to treatment in dental enamel, dentine, dental pulp, periodontium, bone, oral, soft tissues, regeneration, arresting dental caries, enamel and dentine remineralization, repairing congenital defects (cleft lip and palate), enhancing dento-facial aesthetics.

  • Track 2-1Metals
  • Track 2-2Ceramics
  • Track 2-3Polymers
  • Track 2-4Composite structures

Dental care is the maintenance of healthy teeth and may refer to: Oral hygiene, the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean in order to prevent dental disorders.Lack of Dental Care may cause some accumulate Plaque and tartar lead to a number of problems:Cavities are holes that damage the structure of teeth.Gingivitis is swollen, inflamed, and bleeding gums,Periodontitis is the destruction of the ligaments and bone that support the teeth, often leading to tooth loss and Bad breath (halitosis).Oral cancers can affect any part of the mouth, but is most commonly found in the tongue, floor of the mouth, lips and cheeks. Oral health professionals recommend that people look out for red and white patches in their mouths and sores and ulcers that do not heal within two weeks. In most cases, spots in the mouth will be harmless, but it is important not to delay a diagnosis. Oral cancer is cancer of the mouth, including the tongue, cheek, palate, floor of the mouth and lipsOral cancer in smokers is most likely to occur on the side of the tongue and the floor of the mouth. Treatment for oral cancer includes surgery, radiotherapy and tooth extractions

  • Track 3-1Tonsils
  • Track 3-2Oropharynx
  • Track 3-3Gums
  • Track 3-4Floor of the mouth

Oral and maxillofacial surgery includes diagnosis, surgery and treatment of defects, injuries and diseases mainly in the oral hard and soft tissues, head, neck, face and maxillofacial region i.e. jaws and face. Functions of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon may include dental replacements, jaw, oral and facial tumor diagnosis and removal, jaw and facial bone alignment, jaw reconstruction, etc. In the mid-1980s, CO2 Laser was first introduced that gained immense popularity in the field of periodontology mainly because of ease of simultaneous photo-thermal ablation and coagulation. Recent innovations in oral and maxillofacial surgery include trans-oral robotic surgery and titanium miniplates in the field of guided maxillofacial surgery.Pulpotomy: Removal of a portion of the pulp along with the infected part in order to maintain the vitality of the remaining pulpal tissue.Pulpectomy: Complete removal of pulp material from the pulp chamber and root canal.Apicoectomy: Surgical procedure in which removal of tooth’s root tip, preparation of root end cavity and filling of biocompatibility material in it is performed when there is a failure in conventional root canal therapy.Crowns or Caps: A covering (Crown/Cap) which is used to improve the appearance of tooth and to restore its strength, size and shape.Veneers: Wafer-thin tooth colored artificial shells designed to cover the front surface of the teeth in order to provide a perfect appearance.Bridges: A bridge consisting of a pontic along with abutment teeth on both the sides to fill the gap created by one or more missing teeth.Dentures: Replacement of missing teeth by removable appliances.Implants and implant-supported prosthesis: Dentures supported by implants on jaw bone in the complete absence of teeth.Extraction: Removal of damaged or decayed tooth from its bone socket.Fiberotomy: Surgical procedure designed to detach the fibres present around the tooth in order to reduce the tendency to relapse of tooth rotations corrected by dental treatments.Periodontics: Dental specialty which focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases effecting gums and other supporting structures around the teeth.Cosmetic Dental Surgery: Dental work performed majorly focusing on improvement of position, color, size and alignment to enhance the overall smile appearance.

  • Track 4-1Bio mimetics
  • Track 4-2Mechanobiology
  • Track 4-3oral surgery

Dental nurses are dental care professionals that provide assistance and support for clinical and non-clinical aspects of patient care. A dental nurse is able to work in all branches of dentistry like general dental practice and hospital and community services. Roles and responsibilities of dental nurses include: Performing infection control and decontamination procedures, handling dental materials, maintaining dental equipment and instruments and providing administrative support. Dental nurses should maintain ethical behavior for the profession, for the patient and for the community. Ethically, dental nurses should be motivated to maintain honor and integrity of the profession and support the dentist in proper patient treatment and welfare of the community. Dental nurse should perform only those dental works which they are entitled to perform. For the patients, the nurses should safeguard the welfare of patient regardless of sex, creed, race, economic standards, etc. Since patients are in close contact with the nurses, it is important for nurses to follow high ethical standards.The embodiment of general wellbeing dentistry lies in the way that the range concentrates on a group or populace all in all and not singular patients. General wellbeing dental specialists work towards advancement of general oral and dental soundness of their groups. They teach patients to adjust to practices that may help enhance their general dental wellbeing over the long haul. General wellbeing dentistry likewise focuses on patient training, expanded consciousness of government projects and endeavors towards group dental wellbeing and health.

  • Track 5-1dental therapists
  • Track 5-2dental hygienists
  • Track 5-3oral health

Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood.Some specialized tasks of pedodontists include:Infant oral health examsDistribution of relaxation medicationsSpecial counseling on nutritionEmergency dental careSpace management after the premature loss of a primary tooth.

  • Track 6-1Ulcers
  • Track 6-2short frenulae
  • Track 6-3Mucoceles
  • Track 6-4pediatric periodontal disease

Cosmetic Dentistry is improvisation of the appearance of the teeth, gums or bite. It mainly concentrates on the improvement of dental aesthetics in terms of color, size, alignment position, and overall smile appearance. Some of the latest techniques and products in cosmetic dentistry are Teeth Whitening, Bonding, Veneers, Crowns, Enamel Shaping and Contouring, Bridges, Braces, etc. Bonding makes use of tooth-collared amalgamated resin (plastic) to Implant Dentistry. Chipped, discolored, broken and decomposed teeth can be corrected with bonding technique. Teeth whitening procedure reduces pigments and improves the color of the teeth. Veneers made of ceramic materials cover the front part of the teeth to change the shape of color. On the other hand, crowns are caps which cover the entire tooth restoring a normal shape and size.

  • Track 7-1Dental Veneers
  • Track 7-2Dental Crowns
  • Track 7-3Dental Implants
  • Track 7-4Dental Bonding

Prosthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the designing, manufacturing, making and fitting of artificial replacements of missing part of the mouth. It also deals with the treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral parts functioning. Prosthodontics has four main branches: Removable prosthodontics; fixed prosthodontics; maxillofacial prosthodontics; and Implant prosthodontics. It is a form of restorative dentistry which deals with the treatment of multiple teeth at one time. Success in prosthodontics treatment requires a strong background in basic and clinical sciences along with excellent theoretical and technical skills as well as effective organizational capabilities. There are much recent advancements like use of CAD/CAM on fixed restoration; laser application in prosthetic dentistry and Stafne’s bone cavity and its utilization incomplete denature retention.Restorative Dentistry which is also known as Oral Rehabilitation deals with the general dental needs of the oral cavity, the teeth and supporting structures of a patient suffering with initial or recurring decay; wearing a way of tooth structure, discoloration, erosion, abnormal spacing. The objective of restorative dentistry is to work along with dental and surgical specialists to deal with complex treatments like hypodontia, cleft lip, traumatic injuries, oral cancer, etc. In general, resins, glass ionomer cements and amalgam are used as different restorative materials but recently, nanomaterials are used as a major part of restorative dentistry treatment in material synthesis, biomimetic approaches and in tissue engineering.

  • Track 8-1dental fillings
  • Track 8-2Dentures
  • Track 8-3dental implants

Sports dentistry is the branch of sports medicine dealing with prevention and treatment of dental injuries and oral diseases associated with sports and exercise. Amateur and young athletes face greater risk of oral injuries, because they may not receive proper guidance and/or training. Although the indication of customized types of mouthguards has increased, and the effectiveness for preventing injuries has been demonstrated, there is a need to further specify the sport characteristic, age group, selected material, guard design, as well as time of use. Current evidence also shows that mouthguards may lose efficiency over time, due to use and regular maintenance.

  • Track 9-1Periodontics
  • Track 9-2Prosthodontics
  • Track 9-3oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Track 9-4oral and maxillofacial pathology

3D Imaging is one of the most significant tools for orthodontists to evaluate and record size and form of craniofacial structures. Orthodontists regularly use 2-dimensional (2D) static imaging procedures, but deepness of structures cannot be acquired and restricted with 2D imaging. Three-dimensional (3D) imaging has been developed in the early of 1990's and has gained a prized place in dentistry, particularly in orthodontics. In 3D diagnostic imaging, a series of anatomical records is gathered using certain technical equipment, processed by a computer and later presented on a 2D monitor to present the illusion of deepness.Digital dentistry refers to the use of dental technologies or devices to carry out dental procedures rather than using mechanical or electrical tools. The use of digital dentistry can make carrying out dental procedures more efficient than using mechanical tools.

  • Track 10-1dental imaging technology
  • Track 10-2X-rays
  • Track 10-3Porcelain
  • Track 10-4ceramic-filled hybrid material

The use of engineered nanomaterial (ENMs) to enhance the mechanical and physiological functions of the tooth via new nanofillers and composites should provide an enhanced capability for some areas of restorative dentistry. Nanotechnology is concerned with the physical, chemical, and biological properties of structures and their components at nanoscale dimensions. High understanding of materials and oral tissues combine at nanoscale has bring many researches for therapeutic dental applications, like fluoride release, drug delivery. For the public and patients, the Nano specific labeling on the many personal care products in dentistry can be improved to clearly evaluate the Nano ingredient(s). Thus, giving clarity on whether a product contains an ENM and what the proposed mode of action or benefit of the new product might be to the consumer.

  • Track 11-1Hydroxyapatite
  • Track 11-2Bioglass
  • Track 11-3Titanium
  • Track 11-4zirconia

Oral microbiology is a science which deals with the oral micro biota and their interactions with the host. Oral bacteria utilize the ecological niche provided by gingival epithelium and tooth surface. Constant monitoring of bacterial colonization and prevention of bacterial invasions is done by the innate host defense system. Increase in bacterial colonization in the oral cavity leads to dental plaques and then causes dental caries and periodontal disease. Lack of oral hygiene and influential factors which effect the structure of microbial community leads to Oral diseases. To identify the main cause for the onset of oral diseases it is essential to understand the oral environment and microbial interactions.Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that deals with the scientific study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the surrounding tissues (Gum, Alveolar mucosa, periodontal ligament, etc.) of teeth. There are various roles played by periodontium like: they resist and optimize the forces generated by speech, mastication and swallowing; adjust the structural changes associated with age and external environment by continuous regeneration and remodeling. Periodontology deals with diseases which can be classified into gingivitis and chronic periodontitis. The common symptoms of gingivitis are redness, edema and bleeding. Chronic periodontitis can cause inflammation and bone loss. These diseases can be treated with periodontal therapy which includes oral hygiene, scaling and root planning and with the usage of antimicrobials.

  • Track 12-1Treponema denticola
  • Track 12-2Porphyromonas gingivalis
  • Track 12-3microaerophile Actinobacillus
  • Track 12-4actinomycetemcomitans