Call for Abstract

31st Euro Congress and Expo on Dental and Oral Health, will be organized around the theme “Bridging Gaps in Dental and Oral Health”

Euro Dental Congress-2023 is comprised of 12 tracks and 4 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Dental Congress-2023 .

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Dentistry is always developing and changing to best suit quiet needs. Progressions in dental innovation can offer you cutting edge answers for conventional dental issues. The main impetus behind mechanical advances is a craving to give you driving edge dental treatment that can be performed in a more productive, viable, agreeable way. The propelled innovation utilizes sound heartbeat and laser to distinguish caries sooner than customary routines permitted, with the goal of “Treatment can initiate instantly constraining the measure of rot permitted to happen”. 

  • Track 1-1Sedation dentistry
  • Track 1-2Alternative dentistry
  • Track 1-3Pediatric dentistry
  • Track 1-4Geriatric dentistry
  • Track 1-5Veterinary dentistry
  • Track 1-6Cosmetic dentistry
  • Track 1-7Restorative dentistry
  • Track 1-8Robotic & digital dentistry

The study of disease transmission is the investigation of conveyance and determinants of oral wellbeing related states or occasions in indicated populations, and the use of this study to control of oral wellbeing problems is known as oral epidemiology. The study of disease transmission, in light of an anatomical definition, consequently includes all different sub disciplines of the study of disease transmission as connected to the orofacial locale.

  • Track 2-1Dental indices
  • Track 2-2Dental fluorosis
  • Track 2-3Effects of dental filling
  • Track 2-4Occupational hazards in dentistry
  • Track 2-5Dental and periodontal infections
  • Track 2-6Genetic derangements
  • Track 2-7Drug-related dental destruction

Preventive dentistry is the cutting edge method for offering you some assistance with keeping a solid mouth. It helps you to keep your teeth, and implies you need less dental treatment. The two fundamental driver of tooth misfortune are rot and gum sickness. The better you avoid or manage these two issues, the more risk you will have of keeping your teeth forever.

  • Track 3-1Life style modification
  • Track 3-2Diet and nutrition for oral health
  • Track 3-3Cavities and tooth decay
  • Track 3-4Effect of tooth brush on oral health
  • Track 3-5Oral health and dental hygiene in adolescents
  • Track 3-6Pediatric oral health care

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the claim to fame of Dentistry that focuses on the finding and surgical administration of oral and maxillofacial pathologic conditions, including epithelial illnesses. Facial lop-sidedness, facial agony, temporomandibular joint scatters, affected teeth, pediatric craniofacial and parted surgery.

  • Track 4-1Diagnosis and management of dento-facial deformities
  • Track 4-2Pediatric craniofacial and cleft surgery
  • Track 4-3Dental anaesthesiology

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that amends teeth and jaws that are situated disgracefully. Slanted teeth and teeth that don't fit together accurately are harder to keep clean, are at danger of being lost ahead of schedule because of tooth rot and periodontal ailment, and cause additional weight on the biting muscles that can prompt migraines, TMJ disorder and neck, bear and back agony. Teeth that are screwy or not in the perfect spot can likewise bring down one's appearance.

  • Track 5-1Orthodontic treatment planning
  • Track 5-2Surgical orthodontics
  • Track 5-3Management of cleft lp and palate
  • Track 5-4Invisalign techniques
  • Track 5-5Orthodontics and craniofacial research
  • Track 5-6Orthodontic radiology
  • Track 5-7Recent advances in orthodontics
  • Track 5-8Implants in orthodontics
  • Track 5-9Genetics in orthodontics
  • Track 5-10Preventive orthodontics

Dental Practice administration specialists might give staff preparing and inspiration, help with streamlining planning and supply methodology, make one of a kind, far reaching advertising procedures; or help dental specialists in comprehension administrative prerequisites. A few specialists work locally while others covers bigger zones of the nation furthermore gives the vital establishment to dental advertising and patient engagement for the practice to quicken new patient securing and manufacture a reliable patient group.

  • Track 6-1Dental marketing strategies
  • Track 6-2Dental industry update
  • Track 6-3Internet marketing
  • Track 6-4Building strategic alliances
  • Track 6-5Dental compliance

Endodontics is the dental study and treatment of the dental mash. Endodontists perform an assortment of methods including endodontic treatment (generally known as "root trench treatment"), endodontic retreatment, surgery, treating broke teeth, and treating dental injury. Root trench treatment is a standout amongst the most widely recognized strategies. On the off chance that the dental mash (containing nerves, arterioles, venules, lymphatic tissue, and stringy tissue) gets to be unhealthy or harmed, endodontic treatment is required to spare the tooth.

  • Track 7-1Asepsis in endodontics
  • Track 7-2Cleaning and shaping of root canal system
  • Track 7-3Access cavity preparation
  • Track 7-4Pathologies of pulp and periapex
  • Track 7-5Diagnostic procedures
  • Track 7-6Endodontic instruments

Dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor. A dental prosthesis might be held set up by associating with teeth or dental inserts, by suction, or by being held inactively by encompassing muscles. Like different sorts of prostheses, they can either be settled forever or removable; altered prosthodontics and removable dentures are made in numerous varieties.

  • Track 8-1Impression/mold in implantology
  • Track 8-2Edentulous and implants
  • Track 8-3Bio-mechanic and implants
  • Track 8-4Occlusion and implants
  • Track 8-5Advanced surgeries and complex cases implant surgery: Fundamentals
  • Track 8-6Restorative implants

Prosthodontists have some expertise in oral restoration. They make, fit and introduce crowns, spans, finishes, trims, complete and fractional dentures, and dental inserts. They treat worldly mandibular joint issues; traumatic wounds to the mouth's structures; inherent inconsistencies of the mouth; and wheezing and rest scatters. A periodontist spends significant time in the avoidance, conclusion and treatment of periodontal - or gum - illness and oral aggravation. Periodontists treat contaminations with scaling and root planning - a system that cleans the tainted base of a tooth - or really uproot harmed tissue.

  • Track 9-1Gingivitis
  • Track 9-2Chronic periodontitis
  • Track 9-3Chronic periodontitis
  • Track 9-4Aggressive periodontitis
  • Track 9-5Bruxism
  • Track 9-6Edentulism
  • Track 9-7Necrotizing periodontal diseases

Headways in dental innovation can offer you cutting edge answers for customary dental issues. The main thrust behind innovative advances is a yearning to give you driving edge dental treatment that can be performed in a more proficient, successful, agreeable way. Dental advances have been developing consistently, changing the field of dentistry. New innovations are created with an attention on making items and creating systems that can be utilized by your dental practitioner to counteract, analyse and/or treat dental conditions and infections early and successfully.

  • Track 10-1Laser dentistry
  • Track 10-2Esthetic dentistry
  • Track 10-3Robotic & digital dentistry
  • Track 10-4Dental implants and prosthesis
  • Track 10-5Forensic dentistry
  • Track 10-6Dental radiography/informatics
  • Track 10-7Imaging techniques for the craniofacial hard and soft tissues

Oral tumours regularly starts with an asymptomatic stage amid which side effects may not be self-evident, it is frequently easy at first and in this manner hard to identify. Lymph hubs or removed destinations. Oral tumour measures 2–4 cm crosswise over and no growth cells are available in adjacent structures, lymph hubs or far off destinations. Growth can create from any of these cell sorts. It is critical to realize what sort of malignancy and how it is dealt with. More than 9 out of 10 mouth as well as pharyngeal tumours are squamous cell carcinoma.

  • Track 11-1Oral and craniofacial diseases
  • Track 11-2Oral epidemiology and risk factors
  • Track 11-3Molecular pathogenesis of oral cancer
  • Track 11-4Diagnosis and management
  • Track 11-5Chemotherapy of oral cancer and its side effects
  • Track 11-6Prevention of oral cancer
  • Track 11-7Tobacco and oral diseases

Dentures a tissue shaded acrylic base fits over your gums. The base of the upper denture covers the sense of taste (the top of your mouth), while that of the lower denture is formed like a horseshoe to oblige your tongue. Dentures to supplant lost or missing teeth so they can appreciate a sound eating regimen and grin with certainty. Dentures are made of either acrylic (plastic) or metal. Dentures can forestall issues with eating and discourse and, in the event that you require complete dentures, they can likewise enhance the presence of your grin and give you certainty.

  • Track 12-1Removable partial dentures
  • Track 12-2Complete dentures
  • Track 12-3Fabrication of complete dentures
  • Track 12-4Problems with complete dentures