Biography: Sameer Kumar
SYNOPSIS: Early treatment is the treatment initiated during the primary or mixed dentition with the purpose to prevent, intercept or correct a specifi c orthodontic problem or problems, also known as, Phase I treatment. Overall goal of early treatment To improve or correct orthodontic problems that would result in: • Irreversible damage to the dentition and supporting structures • Progression into a more severe orthodontic problem that would be more diffi cult to treat Specifi c goals of early treatment 1. Improved Psychosocial Development Self-Esteem, esthetics 2. Improved Occlusal Function Symmetry, shift s/slides, attrition 3. Manage potential for damage to dentition Trauma, attrition, recession, injury, primary tooth extractions. 4. Phase II simplifi cation Growth modifi cation, space management, primary tooth extractions 5. Improved or corrected skeletal discrepancies Symmetry, reduce skeletal discrepancies, transverse problems.