Mohammed Yasser Kharma
Aleppo University, Syria
Title: Assessment of the awareness level of dental students towards Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
Biography: Mohammed Yasser Kharma
Objective: To assess the knowledge and attitudes towards Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) among
dental students.
Methods: A questionnaire was made according to MOH information and 200 of dental students (Al Farabi College/Jeddah) were
interviewed to evaluate their knowledge about MERS-CoV.
Results: More than half of the dental student 54% interviewed had good knowledge about the etiology, symptoms and treatment
of MERS-CoV. Measurements for infection control and protection were also known 79%. This information collected by students
through College 27%, MOH 25%, Media 24%, Social community 23%, while 17% of interviewed had no idea before.
Conclusion: Dental students had good knowledge about MERS-CoV. However more information still must be provided by MOH,
college for medical staff.