Li Chien-Hai
China Medical College in Taichung, Taiwan
Chien-Hai Li is the Sole Proprietor and Director of Chuan Sheng Dental Clinic in Hualien, Taiwan. Dr. Li is a 2000 graduate of China Medical College in Taichung, Taiwan, and is the fi rst graduate student in 2011 of the MOI program at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. He was an invited participant of the 14th Dentsply Friadent World Symposium 2010 in Barcelona, Spain. Dr. Li was chosen by Business Week magazine as one of the top one hundred dentists in Taiwan. His clinic, opened in 2004, has nine units, two Cone Beam CT scanners, and is staffed by four dentists and twelve assistants.
Abstract : Removal of osseointegrated implantwithout trephine allowing immediate implantation