Biography: Dr. Abhishek Parolia
The main goal of endodontic therapy is thorough chemomechanical debridement of the entire root canal system followed by a three-dimensional obturation with an inert filling material and a final coronal restoration. Debridement of the root canal plays a very critical role to achieve a successful endodontic outcome. Endodontic disease is a biofilm-mediated infection, and primary aim in the management of endodontic disease is the elimination of bacterial biofilm from the root canal system. It is important to apply the biofilm concept to endodontic microbiology to understand the pathogenic potential of the root canal microbiota as well as to form the basis for new approaches for disinfection. From these aspects, the formation of biofilms carries particular clinical significance because not only host defence mechanisms but also therapeutic efforts including chemical and mechanical antimicrobial treatment measures have the most difficult task of dealing with organisms that are gathered in a biofilm. This presentation will highlight the role of biofilm, challenges, latest techniques and concepts in the debridement of root canal.