Rashad Murad
International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Syria
Title: Factors influencing the results and success rate of intentional replantation procedures
Biography: Rashad Murad
Aim: To address the indications, contraindications, surgical procedures, complications following treatment, factors influencing the results and success rate of intentional re-plantation procedures. For many years, intentional replantation has been a treatment option for teeth that would be difficult, if not impossible, to treat using traditional root canal therapy. It is a viable alternative in the case of unsuccessful endodontic procedures; however it must be accomplished as quickly as possible. The preservation of cell vitality in the periodontal ligament, the removal of all tissue debris and irritating substances from the root surface, achievement of a good apical seal and reinforcement of the crown structure are critical in ensuring normal function of the reimplanted tooth.
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