Holds a degree in Dentistry from the University of Santo Amaro (1995), specializations in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Master in Implant Dentistry (UNISA), PhD in Implantology (São Leopoldo Mandic), PhD in Biopathology from Universidade Paulista (UNESP). São José dos Campos - Sp and Empowerment in Conscious Sedation. It is currently coordinator of the Institute of Dental Research IPEO - São Paulo (FACSETE), coordinator of the specialization course in implantology at the University of Pindamonhagaba (FAPI), coordinator of the specialization course in implantology at GRAAL, São LuÃs - Ma. Professor of specialization in implantology of CEOSP, São Miguel do Oeste and Chapecó- Sc, professor of specialization in implantology at UNITAU (University of Taubaté), professor of the specialization course in implantology at Estácio de Sá campus São José dos Campos (CEDDA) and international coordinator in the area of implantology at the university UNINORTE, Asunción - Py and professor of the specialization course in Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology of the São Leopoldo Mandic University in Campinas. Has experience in the area of Dentistry, with emphasis on Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantodontia.